Είναι αναμφισβήτητο γεγονός πια, ότι σε όλο το δυτικό κόσμο η μεγάλη μάζα των διανοουμένων είναι σε πολύ μεγάλο βαθμό εξαρτημένη από το κεφάλαιο ή από την εξουσία. Οι μηχανισμοί είναι γνωστότατο. Η εύνοια, η συμμετοχή σε " ερευνητικά προγράμματα " που συνδέονται με την παραγωγή, η παροχή υπηρεσιών με την τυπική ιδιότητα του συμβούλου, του τεχνοκράτη, του εμπειρογνώμονα ή ακόμα και του «γκουρού», κατέστησαν την διανόηση «επάγγελμα»...».

. Τσουκαλάς

« It is now an undeniable fact that throughout the western world the intellectuals are strongly dependent on the capital and the «power». The mechanisms are well known. These are the favouritism, the participation in «research projects» associated with the production, the status of consultant, the technocrat, the expert, or even the «gurus».All these have made the intellectuals a professional cast of people in the service of political, economical and social elites.

C. Tsoukalas

11 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2010

Τι περιμένουνουμε στην αγορά συναθροισμένοι;
Είναι οι βάρβαροι να φθάσουν σήμερα.
Γιατί μέσα στην σύγκλητο μια τέτοια απραξία;
Τι καθοντ’ οι συγκλητικοί και δεν νομοθετούνε;
Γιατί οι βάρβαροι θα φθάσουν σήμερα!

Τι νόμους πια θα κάμουν οι συγκλητικοί;
Οι βάρβαροι σαν έλθουν θα νομοθετήσουν!

Τρίτη 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2010


The grim situation on the streets of Athens, similar to that of a third world capital, with more than 150,000 illegal immigrants only in the centre of the city, thousands of clandestine vendors, an army of immigrants to jostle in the City soup kitchens and prostitution, was painted yesterday by the mayor of City, Nikitas Kaklamanis.
This picture, is not consistent with that of a European capital, and is added to the drugs, outbreaks of tuberculosis, hepatitis and AIDS due to the presence of too many foreigners in the occupied districts of Athens.
The final blow to the once thriving trade of the city, give the dozens of illegal shops, that opens and closes with staggering rates nationals of countries from Asia and Africa, helping to create the absolute chaos.
If you recognize the crime has increased by at least 16.25% between 2007 and 2008 (it was almost zero before the arrival of the immigrants) you can see that Athens has almost become a "war zone".
Something not far from reality, are daily clashes between different gangs of immigrants from Asia and Africa.”

At the same time begins to emerge the first outbreaks of resistance of Greek citizens in the neighbourhoods of Athens.

Mr. Kaklamanis portrayed a grey picture on prostitution too, where thousands of African children are exploited by immigrant gangs, without any interference by the public authorities and the police. Only from the illegal trade, every year the state lose two billion Euros. An alarming situation is the increasing number of homeless immigrants. An estimated number of 1,700 of them are dispersed in 460 different parts of the city, parks, hills and squares, up the abandoned wagons and the ruined buildings on the edge of central Omonia Square.
According to the most modest estimates throughout Athens, there are 1640 abandoned buildings that house immigrants.
For its part the City is doing all it can to support the immigrants, said the Major. Daily the city feeds 5,000 immigrants by giving them three full meals, 365 days a year.
In addition, the community grocery store serves 1,600 people annually, while at the hospice of the City 180 people find a warm bed the mayor said.

The painting of Athens today is completed by a lot of Greek citizens mugged daily even in the central streets of Athens by immigrants gangs. Shooting, killing, violence and robberies of banks, shops, houses puts the final details in the picture. At the same time the Greek government invites every muslim from Asia and Africa to immigrate in the country. “Why are you afraid off ?” said yesterday the minister of “Protection of Citizen ” (Sic) Mr. Chrisochoidis in the house of parliament. “Even the president of USA is a muslim!!!

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Μια χούφτα αναρχικοί και ανθέλληνες διοικούν την χώρα σαν να είναι η δική τους ΜΚΟ.
