Είναι αναμφισβήτητο γεγονός πια, ότι σε όλο το δυτικό κόσμο η μεγάλη μάζα των διανοουμένων είναι σε πολύ μεγάλο βαθμό εξαρτημένη από το κεφάλαιο ή από την εξουσία. Οι μηχανισμοί είναι γνωστότατο. Η εύνοια, η συμμετοχή σε " ερευνητικά προγράμματα " που συνδέονται με την παραγωγή, η παροχή υπηρεσιών με την τυπική ιδιότητα του συμβούλου, του τεχνοκράτη, του εμπειρογνώμονα ή ακόμα και του «γκουρού», κατέστησαν την διανόηση «επάγγελμα»...».

. Τσουκαλάς

« It is now an undeniable fact that throughout the western world the intellectuals are strongly dependent on the capital and the «power». The mechanisms are well known. These are the favouritism, the participation in «research projects» associated with the production, the status of consultant, the technocrat, the expert, or even the «gurus».All these have made the intellectuals a professional cast of people in the service of political, economical and social elites.

C. Tsoukalas

11 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2010

Τι περιμένουνουμε στην αγορά συναθροισμένοι;
Είναι οι βάρβαροι να φθάσουν σήμερα.
Γιατί μέσα στην σύγκλητο μια τέτοια απραξία;
Τι καθοντ’ οι συγκλητικοί και δεν νομοθετούνε;
Γιατί οι βάρβαροι θα φθάσουν σήμερα!

Τι νόμους πια θα κάμουν οι συγκλητικοί;
Οι βάρβαροι σαν έλθουν θα νομοθετήσουν!

Κυριακή 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2010


The Greek Journalist Dimitris Papageorgiou, a leading anti-muslim and immigration activist in Greece, was imprisoned on the 23rd of January 2009 from the leftist government of Greece for anti-muslim actions. Mr Papageorgiou was arrested when he was trying to report the street clashes between pro-immigration demonstrators, supported by Syrian muslins and an extreme left political party (SIRIZA), in one hand and anti-immigration Greek Nationalists (Independent Patriots) on the other. The police arrested only the Greek Nationalists, and 44 of them, included young teenagers, were imprisoned in the police headquarters of Athens for 3 days. Dimitris Papageorgiou was send to a high security prison on criminal charges based on non-existed legislation, as a anti- riot law was came to an end from October 2009.

The left Greek government is preparing a hellish situation not only for Greek people, but for all European citizens by intending to grant the Greek citizenship to millions of muslims over the next five years. Taking into consideration that Greece is bankrupt; the country is unable to provide any dissent standards of living for the muslim immigrant population now living in Greek slums. The new law will allow them to re-settle legally in wealthiest European countries. The new legislation will come for discussion in the house of parliament next Monday. The imprisoned journalist is the editor of the monthly «PATRIA».

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